BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP) — Connecticut residents are being sought to be
extras in a movie about the Underground Railroad that will star
Oscar-winning actor Cuba Gooding Jr.
This May 25, 2012 file photo shows actor Cuba Gooding Jr arriving for
the screening of "Cosmopolis" at the 65th international film festival,
in Cannes, southern France. (AP Photo/Joel Ryan)
Conn. (AP) — Connecticut residents are being sought to be extras in a
movie about the Underground Railroad that will star Oscar-winning actor
Cuba Gooding Jr.
The film, with the working title "Something Whispered," is being filmed through November at locations around Bridgeport and at a church in Pomfret.
Casting calls are being held Tuesday at the Bridgeport Public Library and on Friday at the Bradley Playhouse in Putnam. There also was a casting call last week in Guilford.
The story revolves around a family's struggle in 1850 to escape slavery through the Underground Railroad.
Casting officials say they are looking for actors and musicians to appear in the movie.
The film, with the working title "Something Whispered," is being filmed through November at locations around Bridgeport and at a church in Pomfret.
Casting calls are being held Tuesday at the Bridgeport Public Library and on Friday at the Bradley Playhouse in Putnam. There also was a casting call last week in Guilford.
The story revolves around a family's struggle in 1850 to escape slavery through the Underground Railroad.
Casting officials say they are looking for actors and musicians to appear in the movie.
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